Dreaming Your Dream!

Susan Boyle singing in Reality TV Show Britain's Got Talent

Susan Boyle singing in Reality TV Show Britain’s Got Talent

Today Amrit showed me this video and I was stunned for a while. PLEASE DO CLICK on this video and I promise you that you will not be disappointed. You will start believing that external beauty really doesn’t matter after few minutes and what counts is the inner beauty. Sometimes you believe that few things are good for textbooks only and practical life is entirely different. But this 47 years old Scottish lady Susan Boyle from a village dared NOT to forget her dream. Susan Boyle at the age of 47 has the courage to appear in a reality TV show Britain’s Got Talent. We all know that these days at reality TV shows you have to have that total package in you. You should have a ‘personality’, connect to the audience, a model like figure and a stunning face. A contestant like Susan Boyle, who is 47 year-old and not a very stunning figure and face to go with this type of reality shows, stood tall and held her dignity. Judges mocked her and but she took it all in her stride.
If you are curious to know what happened when she started singing, please WATCH THE VIDEO. I can’t embed the video here because this feature was disabled by youtube. You might find the courage to rediscover your long forgotten dream. Watch the reactions of the judges when Susan Boyle completed the song.

Hollywood star Demi Moore has reportedly revealed that she cried watching Susan Boyle’s audition on Britain’s Got Talent.

Increased demand from music downloaders has sent the original cast recording of the song she performed up the iTunes singles chart, and to top it all off, Boyle has said she has already had a meeting with Sony BMG with a view to releasing an album. “I can’t say much about it. It’s early days and I’m taking baby steps.”

Image Source: My Park Magazine



  1. Indeed a wake up call. I had no need to think twice before watching it again and again. I am an extremely deep lover of music. And when I see something like this I find it difficult to believe. When I listen to a sound like this I start believing strongly in God as that sound, that music, seems to take me on a roller coaster ride to the Heavens. I have been listening eagerly to Western Classical music for some years and I am in love with it. So is also with Indian Classical music. What Susan did shows that she has a very strong base in Western Classical. I strongly believe that Susan Boyle must have had a brilliant teacher. This kind of feat is unachievable without having the guidance of an extraordinary guru. Even though it is true that behind a big success there is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration, I strongly believe that that 1% inspiration drives all the perspiration. It was a privilege Alkadi to have listened to such a voice. It was so profound that I felt I was right there in front of her listening to her.

  2. There an extraordinary feel when she starts singing. You have rightly pointed out her dignity in the face of sarcasm. Definitely there something about pursuing maybe long forgotten dreams.

    Theres something about your blog too, you manage to find out out stories to inspire or to deeply ponder about. Whats the secret? :o)

  3. Subhanjan, reading your comment was in itself a treat. You are right the voice like Susan Boyle requires years and years of practice. He guru confirmed that. She had tried to enter many talent shows before this one. But everyone has chosen youthful contestants with total package. 🙂

  4. Paradox,Yes, in fact not she, but we are ugly inside as well as outside to think that we have the right to ridicule who are not good looking. So it was our ugliness that was showing.

  5. Hi, Alka- yes,I saw this video,via Austy’s link on her blog. Amazing,na-just shows that one’s convictions can do wonders!!

  6. The ‘Reality’ in our TV Shows bites………………..

    This “Reality’ I N S P I R E S !!

    Really great.

  7. Inspiring!! Bloody hell!! anything I say would be a cliche now..Thanks for sharing this.

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