Standing Tall

Today, you seem vulnerable And frail Judged, dismissed and ridiculed By peers. You come home crying Over some silly barbs But deep in my heart, I know my dear For you those are not silly at all. But the day is not far ahead When you will realize Their mistakes of Standardizing you, stereotyping you… Continue reading Standing Tall

Categorized as Poems


When I had seen this image in my newspaper, I was deeply distrubed. Even till this date, whenever I remember the incident, everything just stop within me. ================= Newspapers showing Expectant faces, Fearful faces, Peeping out of windows. As if asking, Office hours had JUST begun But how could life be over? Suddenly, definitely, precisely… Continue reading 9/11


I just want to thank Dr. L.B. Verma sir for treating the subject history the way it should be treated. Whatever understanding I have of history, is solely due to his way of teaching. I remember students from other disciplines used to come and attend his class and if there was no place to sit,… Continue reading Success!

The Salute

I am reposting one of my old poems. The idea of reposting this poem germinated yesterday, the Valentine’s Day. But I resisted posting it on that grand day. 🙂 Music floating in the air, Whispering voices enveloping me, Fizz of dainty wine, Playing on my tongue, Transporting me to a different planet, Not at the… Continue reading The Salute

Categorized as Poems

September 11

Newspapers showing Expectant faces, Fearful faces, Peeping out of windows. As if asking, Office hours had JUST begun But how could life be over? Suddenly, definitely, precisely And clinically for everyone? Expectant faces, Fearful faces, As if asking We were just balancing The morning coffee in one hand, And files in another, But how could… Continue reading September 11

Categorized as Poems


This poem is not written by me. But its for me. 🙂 The stars in your eyes The blooms in your smile Vindicate why I was born They make life worthwhile The purest of the pure The strongest of the strong Your love is for me A bliss lifelong You give form to reality You… Continue reading Beautiful

Categorized as Poems Tagged

September 11

When I had seen this image in my newspaper, I was deeply distrubed. Even till this date, whenever I remember the incident, everything just stop within me. ================= Newspapers showing Expectant faces, Fearful faces, Peeping out of windows. As if asking, Office hours had JUST begun But how could life be over? Suddenly, definitely, precisely… Continue reading September 11

Categorized as , Poems


I have learnt to talk like an American. I have learnt to laugh like an American. I have learnt to greet like an American. I have learnt to listen to American songs. I have learnt to drink their drinks. I have learnt to eat American food. I have learnt to term that bland McDonald’s burger… Continue reading Identity

Categorized as Poems