Hail Internet! Hail Blogging!

Sudipta Chatterjee says:

Bloggers, wake up! For long the mainstream media has been plagiarising pictures from our blogs for long. And they seem to get away with it with impunity. Because they don’t respond to emails. They don’t publish letters sent to the editor about their reporters lifting images with impunity. How can they — these losers can’t stand up to own their mistakes; they don’t have the balls to do that.

The question is, how do we fight it? And the answer is right here: we have our own blogs. Remember, united we stand and divided we fall. So on October 2nd, let us all post something about this plagiarism. It should only be fitting that we all stand together and lodge our protest against injustice on the day the one man who taught us this was born.

I don’t have my pictures plagiarized by anyone. But my sister had gone through this problem. She did contact the PR person and editor of the magazine and extracted an apology and token compensation from them. 🙂 You can read the whole drama here: When You See a Picture Taken by You in an In Flight Magazine with a Credit to Someone Else!
So thanks to internet and thanks to blogging which have given some power to us, the mere mortals! Hail Gandhiji who taught us to fight for our rights!



  1. Now that is what is “independent and democratic media”. Good that you and Sudpita has brought this out

  2. Alka, this seems to be becoming a trend. Just a few days back, I was reading Twilight’s experience on the same topic. See her bloghttp://blog.twilightfairy.in/

  3. TODAYS mint paper has a whole article about bloggers/flickrs and media stealing pics.

    teaching them a lesson is very imp.

  4. An information revolution is waiting to happen. Mainstream print media is a relic of the 20th century. The internet will make available a truly democratic media reflecting and shaping the opinion of real Indians out there.

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