Plants In Forest Create Their Own Aspirin!

I was pretty surprised when I read this, “Plants In Forest Emit Aspirin Chemical To Deal With Stress; Discovery May Help Agriculture” Like us, they don’t have to rush to a chemist’s shop and then swallow those pills.

Unlike humans, who are advised to take aspirin as a fever suppressant, plants have the ability to produce their own mix of aspirin-like chemicals, triggering the formation of proteins that boost their biochemical defenses and reduce injury,” says NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) scientist Thomas Karl, who led the study. “Our measurements show that significant amounts of the chemical can be detected in the atmosphere as plants respond to drought, unseasonable temperatures, or other stresses.

This discovery can be helpful to the farmers.

The discovery raises the possibility that farmers, forest managers, and others may eventually be able to start monitoring plants for early signs of a disease, an insect infestation, or other types of stress. At present, they often do not know if an ecosystem is unhealthy until there are visible indicators, such as dead leaves.



  1. Hi,Alka-I can always trust you to find unusual news items..this one was great- namely,that plants can deal with stress automatically-I wish the same were true of humans!!:)I’d say bye-bye to all my headaches.Sighh!!:)

  2. Dear Alka,

    Keep up your good work and keep us updated with such interesting facts that make us realise that with all our multiplexes and BMWs we are still so astronomically insignificant to the wonders of Nature and at times of real necessity sometime in the future no amount of languish will bring back the ecosystem that would have been destroyed by then.

    And I have no blog of myself. But I have a personal page. It was recently created. I practise a little bit of ameature photography. I will upload more photos. But as of now you may check this URL of mine:

    And how are you doing? I visit Suvro Chatterjee’s blog more than often. I like thoughtful conversations. Your blog is a very interesting one too. My e-mail is You may mail me interesting things if you want to and we may discuss.

    Live well,


  3. Amit, I am feeling flattered. I just stumble upon this fact while searching for something else. And you don’t need aspirins just dial a number and talk to your son. He is simply a genius. All your headache will vanish. 🙂

    Sudipta, I will obey your orders, sir!

    Subhanjan, what an intelligent comment. I just posted something interesting but your comment takes the cake. As an Indian we feel so proud that we saved money by not going for pollution check or get it by hook or crook. But we forget that our near and dear ones are breathing the same air. I have visited your page. Your snaps are simply superb!!!!!! I THINK IN NEAR FUTURE I will read about your solo exhibitions. Keep up the good work. Though I don’t have any understanding of art but looking at your snaps it is clear to a layman like me that you are trying to create something extraordinary out of ordinary.

  4. Thank you dear Alkadi for your inspirations. I hope to be good in photography some day.

    Coming back to the main subject, isn’t it a rediculous thing for man to be crazy of things like Audi or iPhone? I mean…what will an iPhone do to save me if I have cancer? If I had spent the money on insurance rather than iPhone, I would have had a chance of living longer. Similarly, why is there so much hype of Audis or BMWs or latest fashion! If there is a famine, will we be eating BMWs? Similarly, if the cities start getting submerged by rising sea level due to global warming, will the real estates (built by cutting down trees) save us permanently? May be the answer to all these questions is a stern ‘yes’ for countless ‘sensibles’ out there.

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