The Salute

I am reposting one of my old poems. The idea of reposting this poem germinated yesterday, the Valentine’s Day. But I resisted posting it on that grand day. 🙂

Music floating in the air,
Whispering voices
enveloping me,
Fizz of dainty wine,
Playing on my tongue,
Transporting me
to a different planet,
Not at the happening restaurant
Of town.
They promised a slice of heaven
And kept it too!

At peace with the world and myself
laughing vivaciously,
I came out.
The Doorkeeper sprang into action
Saluting us promptly.

But why this salute?
Done nothing
except, having fun
Money can offer.

Searching for answers,
I remembered
those weighty sentences,
ALL of us being greatest creation
Of nature.
Why does one equal
bow to another equal?
Why this abject gesture
of one creation
to another creation of the same God?
Why? Why? Why?
I asked aloud.

Spirit always cloud your faculties,
He was saluting to
The Distant future,
Sparing his progenies
from saluting my progenies.

Categorized as Poems


  1. Beautifully created and worded. Almost everybody salutes the next powerful one in various ways, some methods being gross, some being subtle. The primitive instinct of finding favour with the powerful remains a driving force in our social mannerisms.

  2. Hi, Alka how are you? I came in ur blog after a long long time. Sudipta’s question is mine too 🙂

  3. Paradox, thank you very much for your kind words.

    Praney, Please don’t call me a poetess. I simply dabble with my limited vocabulary. And yes it was somehow different that’s why not posted it on Valentine’s Day.

    Sudipta Bajrang Dal will be hardly interested in a gatekeeper unless he is celebrating Valentin’s Day publicly. 🙂

    Tarun, welcome. How are you? I too have to visit your Hindi Blog. Which I will do soon.

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