September 11

When I had seen this image in my newspaper, I was deeply distrubed. Even till this date, whenever I remember the incident, everything just stop within me.

Newspapers showing
Expectant faces,
Fearful faces,
Peeping out of windows.

As if asking,
Office hours had JUST begun
But how could life be over?
Suddenly, definitely, precisely
And clinically for everyone?

Expectant faces,
Fearful faces,
As if asking
We were just balancing
The morning coffee in one hand,
And files in another,
But how could life be over?

A man made lightening struck,
From the sky
To plunge everything
And everyone in darkness.

Expectant faces,
Fearful faces,
As if asking
Would we melt together
With concrete and mortar?

Expectant faces,
Fearful faces,
As if asking
Was it our destiny
To be one with steel girdles?
And not with mother earth?
What had we done
In our lives,
To not to deserve a few feet
Below the earth?
But to evaporate
With the vapor of morning coffee?

Categorized as , Poems


  1. One cannot easily forget such a tragedy but one has to gather courage and live life over it.

  2. hmmm…in the face of tragedies do humans unite…else all they know is how to fight…for years together the neighbour was unknown…when calamity struck social needs became known…usually how selfish is mankind?…a pain forces them to be kind…yet not all r so and thats a saving grace…else we would never have had a human face…( god bless u Alka ji…tc)

  3. I had heard of such incidents in history where people in jallianwala bagh drowned in the well, so tht they can escape from the british bullets. But when such events happen in ones lifetime, they leave a deep impact.

  4. Very nice poem- fear has been expressed very well. Reminds me of Vir Sanghvi’s article in the Hindustan times a few weeks ago. In case you are interested, I wrote a poem on September 11-

    You had a very good site, Alka. I have been wondering why you shifted to wordpress. I have been advised to do the reverse.

  5. I still remember we were going to office and we saw smoke coming out from WTC and after reaching office we came to know about plain hit. And then saw the second plain……..and still it’s hurt when see these pictures.

    This 9/11 I saw ABC’s ‘path to 9/11’ a mini series based on 9/11 commision, interviews etc and it seems this incident could be avoid before happenning. anyway if you get chance then worth to watch.

  6. Poignant.

    Still, as much we may try, we cannot fathom the tragedy in its totality. We may imagine, but its the people there who suffered or whose dear ones suffered can do. We may just imagine.

  7. ALka, I was looking into the possibility of making my own website and wanted some guidance.I could not locate your email anywhere. Can you write to me at the above gmail address. Thanks.

  8. Even in the middle of a disaster, each human hopes for a miracle. Such is the strong pull of life, and that’s why this picture is poignant.

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