Being Unhappy: Day 13, 14

For the past two days, I am not happy at all. No one can be, if he/she is in my shoes. I am not even thinking about being happy at all. That is the least of my priorities. Some days are like that. You have to accept that you can’t be happy no matter what.
My young one is quite attached with me. I know she depends on me a lot and feels very uncomfortable if I am not around for a long time. But for the past two days she is sick and I am feeling terrible. First it was nothing serious but usual cold. Then she started coughing and has fever too. Still not a cause of concern. I gave her the usual medicines and she seemed OK.
Last night her fever started shooting up again and just for the heck of it I told her to open her mouth. And my worst nightmare came true. She is again having laryngitis. Last year the problem got so worst that she was hospitalized and was in hospital on her birthday. When she was discharged from the hospital she was OK but after a while developed worst side effect of antibiotics. If there is God somewhere, he took pity on us and decided to bless us with our young one’s company.
She is suffering from laryngitis again is enough to give us nightmares. We were out in the middle of the night with doctor’s prescription to buy the medicine. To our horror we visited almost all the existing 24 hour open chemists’ shop in the city and we couldn’t find the medicine.

We came back home feeling disgusted and in the midst of all this chaos my daughter was sleeping peacefully at the back of the car. She didn’t have any fever. To out utter relief she didn’t have fever in the morning that means she is not having infection. We don’t have to Give her antibiotics. The doctor prescribed the alternative medicine for her throat. Above all she is not suffering from laryngitis.
What gave us the breather was the homeopathic medicine suggested by my father which worked wonders for the kid. I have to write another blog post on my father who is the walking and talking encyclopedia. 🙂
Right now It so comforting to see the kid plying with her pets and her laughter is echoing in the whole house. Today she applied some Vaseline on the Guinea Pigs and got reprimanded suitably. Seems happy days are back again.



  1. Found this on web – With most cases of laryngitis, home treatment is all that you need. Try to rest your voice, add moisture to the air in your home with a humidifier or vaporizer, and drink plenty of fluids. Don’t smoke, and stay away from other people’s smoke.

    my personal experience (when my son got throat infection couple of times) –
    – inhaling steam helps a lot
    – drink warm water 3-4 times a day. water should be as warm as “normal tea temperature”

    doing these 2 things 3-4 times a day (specially before sleeping) will remove (at least alleviate a lot) most of throat infections.

  2. for creating steam i have got some simple instrument, which many of beauty parlors use for giving steam on face. you will get this instrument in any medical shop for ~100 rs.

    just keep your nose/face as close as you are comfortable from steamer and inhale for ~5 min.

  3. Nilesh, thank you so much. I am giving her warm water to drink. After reading your comments, I also started steam treatment. She is doing better. Your suggestions are valuable and much appreciated.

  4. Awe, that is good that it wasn’t laryngitis, but just out of curiosity what homeopathic medicine did you use?

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