Women find men with scars ‘attractive’ for a fling!

When I was reading this piece, I made two conclusion that adventurous women (or women with low self esteem, I am not saying this, psychiatrists say) seek adventurous men and having scars make you macho and brave! Wow guys, look- its so easy to be macho and brave. So guys, if today you are in a mood for hunting, you know what make up you have to wear!!! 🙂
Guys, for more detail read this:

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have found that women view men with scars as being not only adventurous, but also macho and brave — but only if she is looking for a short-term relationship.

Interestingly, the study has found that once a woman becomes a mother, she is most likely to dump the “bad boy” for a more caring, sharing sort, the ‘Daily Mail’ reported.

The researchers have based their findings on an analysis of an experiment which they carried out on a group of people to find out how scars influences the sexes in picking partners for both long-term and short-term relationships.

However, in case of women, the researchers found that men find women with or without scars attractive — the results of which are published in the latest edition of ‘Personality and Individual Differences’ journal.



  1. I had read an article which mentioned that humans sometimes cannot differentiate the feeling of feeling of fear and the feeling of love and it further noted that dates where a partner feels a thrill and fear are more likely to be successful.

    Maybe a similar psychology is behind the ‘scar’ hypothesis.

  2. Ohhhh, this types of research can only be publish on news paper. I mean this should be a thought rather research. Is this what the researchers at the University of Liverpool doing there job. I am sure that sample size of this result is that individual dept which says like this… This might b true at UK scenario…
    However, as per Indian context results must be surely different… In India we see scars at only villain faces like- Gulshan grover, Shakti kapoor and so on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Well Alkadi, I have a rose on my blog for all the women of this world. Though it is not that romantic, but I hope it is welcomed. After all, it is a rose. Right?

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