
Every year steps are announced by college administration to curb the menace of ragging but it continued unabated. Why people want to rag their juniors? The equation seems a bit like mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law. Since I was hounded by my mother-in-law, I will do the same to my daughter-in-law, though there is nothing personal. Just like that. What problems sisters-in-law have with the new entrant in the family is quite a mystery. So the nuisance continues. Ragging works on the same principle. Since I was ragged in my own time, I will do the same when my turn comes. Here none thinks about tackling or confronting the seniors. Or no one takes the first step to bell the cat. That will be so difficult. We are ever ready to follow the beaten path.

But this ragging sometimes claim so many young and bright lives. The students are simply teenagers. Not even in their twenties.They are not equipped with enough wisdom to face this organized crime. No where in this world and in any organization established people behave like this to the newcomers. I remember my own time. I was extremely shy as a teenager. But somehow I confronted my seniors. They turned out to be good natured and nicknamed me “F-16” and “Mig Fighter” I saw this written on the admission list in front of my name later. The clerk had forgotten to take off the list from the notice board.

But the good thing was when we were seniors, we never ragged our juniors. It was unsaid rule . Maybe we were not THAT much frustrated and desperate.



  1. Oh, I’m proud to say that I stood up against everyone else when I moved into the second year and our time to rag the juniors came — I had a huge debate with everyone, and I am proud to say that it did bring the ragging down a bit.

    That mother-in-law/daughter-in-law angle is new! 🙂

  2. Sudipta What a person you are. We need more people like you. I don’t know much about mother-in-law/daughter-in-law angle, but it seems a bit similar.

  3. well said alka!
    i hafta agree with you here. Ragging is more like a venegance or grudge. But, seeing the present state of affairs in my college, I am quite satisfied by the way it has been curtailed now. I was ragged too. But, I made a point to not rag my juniors and hence instill the same thoughts in my juniors too. And, I can very well see the effects now!

  4. In our college, ragging in its current form didn’t exist, but we did have something healthy called “introduction” which was fun for both the parties.

    Even today, I remember the my “introduction” days fondly, not least because quite of it was done in Girls’s Hostel 🙂

  5. Really a much-talked-done-nothing issue Alka.

    I think only student assosiations (if they themself could keep it off from politics) can remove that evil. Healthy intorduction part as Manish wrote should always stay there but strongest action should be taken against the line crossers. A good number of actions would encourge newcomers to stand against ragging.

    Sometimes I think what kind of mindsets these jerks have developed to get youngesters killed and how ??

  6. Hi,F-16,err,Alka..well,it’s good to know that you broke the trend,definitely…even I feel that it’s just the ‘tit for tat’ theory that causes this ragging phenomenon to continue-the seniors feel that because they were ragged,they need to take revenge…and,the cycle continues…but,then, if ragging is done in the right spirit, it’s a nice way to welcome newbies into college..and,that’s a big IF.

  7. wacko welcome and thanks for visiting my blog. I am so glad that you guys don’t consider it “smart” to rag juniors.

    Manish, ha ha ha expulsion from your college? Someone ought to get his head examined if they resort to severe ragging.

    Praney, like saas bahu theory. 🙂 Very few dare to break away. 🙂

    AmitL, you are right. But how many got this sense of “right spirit.” Really it is similar to saas bahu syndrome. 🙂

  8. Ragging is a very sickening CRIMINAL ACT.

    It is bullying and many use that an excuse to abuse innocent youngsters. Some even sexually abuse youngsters in the name of ragging.

    It is cruel and it has to be stopped. Students who indulge in ragging should be criminally prosecuted. School and University authorities who allow Ragging also should be criminally prosecuted.

    Let them be thrown into jails where they will be subjected to the same treatment they gave to innocent victims by fellow prisoners.

    In 1967, I wrote an article about this in THE HINDU, Madras and I cannot believe this is still going on in Indian schools and universities. What a shame!!

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