I was reading Harvard Business School Working Knowledge Newsletter. It states that Jeana H. Frost, Michael I. Norton and Dan Ariely are taking an academic look at online dating and how it can be improved. They have created virtual dates. Using virtual dates the couple can communicate in real time. Couples can use colors, words… Continue reading Online Match-Making
Smoking is Injurious To Health
This snap was forwarded to me by ‘This Girl’s Life’. She writes: This is actually an on-the-ceiling poster in the smoking room at an IT firm in Mumbai, India. Some more facts about this ad: This ad was prepared by Everest Brand Solutions, in Mumbai, India. It’s called “Cemetery.” And this ad was awarded a… Continue reading Smoking is Injurious To Health
Successful Ad Copy
I have just seen a good advertisement following the AIDA Model. This ad copy attracts attention by providing a black and white snap of a little girl. Magazine is specifically designed for men. It mainly contains gadget section, politics, grooming, what’s in what’s not and interviews of prominent personalities. Not to forget, there is no… Continue reading Successful Ad Copy
Where there is Wool there is Way? Or maybe Yak Cheese …
Whenever I read these kind of articles, I remember Gandhian economics. He always emphasized on the optimum use of local resources. This way he wanted to stop the migration from villages to cities. When I read and listen that Gandhian model is outdated in the era of global economy, I want to write innumerable posts… Continue reading Where there is Wool there is Way? Or maybe Yak Cheese …
Customer is always right
I was reading this post. Believing in “customer is always right”, can be quite frustrating. But research into consumer behavior states that the average satisfied customer conveys to three people about his experience but the average dissatisfied customer grumbles to eleven other people.So the bad mouthing of products or services are unaffordable for any company.… Continue reading Customer is always right
Feature Dumping
I was reading Good enough . It prompted me to write, what prompts manufacturers to add many useless features to a product, which a normal user probably won’t even explore in the product’s life time. Is it desperation to score over competitors? Or is it the mind of an expert psychiatrist at work who is… Continue reading Feature Dumping
How to create a successful advertising campaign?
I often snigger at various advertisements. Very few advertisements are successful in achieving their objectives. At the basic level, it is taught, if you are creating an ad, try to follow the AIDA Model. It goes something like this (for the un-initiated): A – Attracting attention I – Interest D – Desire A – Action… Continue reading How to create a successful advertising campaign?
Thank you all of you
I have written about a couple seeking mercy killing for their gravely ill son. This post somehow was side tracked from its real intention. But I tried in a very small way to do something for this ailing boy. And many of you supported me fully. Raghuveer even trusted me, a faceless and intangible stranger,… Continue reading Thank you all of you
Two Hands
I was unwrapping a shirt. It was like solving a complex maze with so many metal and plastic pins inserted at every nook and corner along with tissue paper, a thin sponge and hard board. I was thoroughly annoyed after being out for shopping. How shopping distresses people is beyond my comprehension. Or I think… Continue reading Two Hands
What goes around comes around
I have read an interesting true story here. ======================== His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog! He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his… Continue reading What goes around comes around
Volleyball In a Moving Train!!
I got this story from Travel tales from India. This is called having fun or having a wild time. I think for having fun the requirements are good health and that wild adventurous streak. Here Maverick is writing about his craziest train journey. He and his gang played volleyball in the wagon of a goods… Continue reading Volleyball In a Moving Train!!
Necessity is the mother of invention
Newspapers and TV channels have been amply covering the deluge of Mumbai. Saw this charming image in the Asian Age. This little girl — if it is perceptible in the image I took with my digital camera — has made a boat of empty cold-drink bottles. Quite an innovation I’d say!
Its My Money, I will spend it the WAY I want
A boy,still in his teens,has read my post, “Freedom of Expression & Choice.” He has written a post “Thinking“. Kurt Cobain’s blog is just one post old. He read comments on my post. He was very upset with all the rationality and the feel of real world was quite upsetting for him. His post reflects… Continue reading Its My Money, I will spend it the WAY I want
Its a Request
I had posted about a couple, writing to the Indian President seeking mercy killing for their son, Vijay Kumar. Their son has been diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia. Doctors at CMC Vellore and Tata Motors Hospital, where Vijay is admitted, have prescribed a bone marrow transplant – the cost of which is around Rs 12 lakh,… Continue reading Its a Request
Hope She Won’t Forget to Pick up the Garbage
She shows me these pics and I see that people have a heart to leave their footprints ( in the form of litter ) to such serene, beautiful places. When she treks, there too she picks up as much garbage as she can and then burns it. You can see the picture. She always admonishes… Continue reading Hope She Won’t Forget to Pick up the Garbage
Freedom of Expression & Choice
I had written a post about a couple seeking mercy killing for his 12 year-old terminally ill son, because parents don’t have enough money for the treatment. I get an encouraging response from Himanshu: Hi, somehow I landed up on ur blog while searching in goggle.I must say it looks so Pro…U have expressed ur… Continue reading Freedom of Expression & Choice
Orissa kids’ NASA dream thwarted
Here is update on “Orissa kids’ NASA dream thwarted” Ullas Mishra, is one of the kids winning the competition. Here is his mail at CNN-ABN web-site : The Orissa government has come forward to sponsor us. But it would be a real help if someone from the US can help us in getting us hotels… Continue reading Orissa kids’ NASA dream thwarted
Money? Who’s Real Needy?
I hate writing personal stuff on my blog. But this time I am too outraged to care. Somehow I managed to finish my daily chores at 2:00 AM in the morning (don’t ask how THAT late). And wanted to catch up with news. What I heard was this : Couple seeks mercy killing for ailing… Continue reading Money? Who’s Real Needy?
Please Put This on Your Blog
They could be working at NASA, but they have no money I am copy pasting this post from Amrit’s blog. Please spread the message as much as you can. Here is Amrit’s article. ================================================== I’ve been reading this news about 4 students in Rourkela winning a NASA competition for a few days. They needed to… Continue reading Please Put This on Your Blog
Honking, Psychiatrists and Road Rage
Ashish has written a post, It’s summer so it must be road rage. As far as I know only he can argue why Indians don’t need more number of psychiatrists because they make good use of their vehicle’s horns!! 🙂 ========================================= The bad news is that Natasha Mitchell, reporting for ABC news has reported that… Continue reading Honking, Psychiatrists and Road Rage