Being Happy: Learn to Remember

My Grandfather My earliest memories with my grandfather was of doing Maths with him. He taught me tables, calculations etc. What was remarkable? He never raised his voice or hand on me while teaching. Though he belonged to the old school of teaching but he never believed in spare the rod and spoil the child… Continue reading Being Happy: Learn to Remember

Categorized as Happiness


When I had seen this image in my newspaper, I was deeply distrubed. Even till this date, whenever I remember the incident, everything just stop within me. ================= Newspapers showing Expectant faces, Fearful faces, Peeping out of windows. As if asking, Office hours had JUST begun But how could life be over? Suddenly, definitely, precisely… Continue reading 9/11

Blame it On Anna Hazare

Image Source and Poem: Shivam Gupta I am guilty of meddling with the title of the movie, ‘Blame It On Rio’ and giving the title Blame it On Anna Hazare, but my sentiments and feelings are quite pure, not muddled. I was trying to write a post every day and narrate here what I did… Continue reading Blame it On Anna Hazare

Categorized as Politics

In Pursuit of Happiness: Out of Box Thinking

I feel immense happiness when I saw people flouting all conventional norms and doing something extraordinarily different . It gives me pleasure to write about such people. Bunker Roy can easily belong to the Baba/Baby brigade as he was educated at Doon School and later at St. Stephens College, Delhi. His grand future was all… Continue reading In Pursuit of Happiness: Out of Box Thinking

Tsunami in Japan

Japanese are the true followers of Buuddha. Their calm and cool composer didn’t leave during recent Tsunami and earthquake. Imagine a monster in the form of Tsunami wave is chasing you to suck the life out of you and you are running for your dear life BUT STILL, STOP YOUR car when the traffic signal… Continue reading Tsunami in Japan

Categorized as , General

Aruna Shanbaug

Today Supreme Court has struck down the mercy killing plea of Aruna Shanbaug filed by Pinki Virani . But a debate on euthanasia. has started in the country. People are voicing their opinion on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter actively. Columinists like Bachi Karkaria and others are showing their outrage at the… Continue reading Aruna Shanbaug

Being Happy Day 11, 12

‘Survival of the Fittest’ might be true for the external world but its untrue for family. External world might say let the unfit perish but not your family. As a potter molds the clay same way our families shape us. Whatever we face in the external world, we always aspire to be “home” with out… Continue reading Being Happy Day 11, 12