I was reading Seth Godin’s post, “The Unlimited power of enthusiasm.â€? Of course no one can dispute its power. I think this one is one of the topics where one can’t take an “againstâ€? stance. We all need enthusiastic people in our organization, team, home, club… Mostly from these people innovative ideas originate and newer… Continue reading Enthusiasm
Employer Employee relationship
I have a good read here about changing employer employee relationship. ===================== The last two posts on the Infosys official blog has been about candidates behaving unprofessionally in appearing for the interviews or accepting offers (because they have multiple options). The latest post (in parts) goes like this: Some readers have pointed out that employers… Continue reading Employer Employee relationship
Soulful Relationships
I was reading Steve Pavlina’s post “Soulful relationships.â€? It’s a wonderful write up. And it also conveys to us how to explore meaningful relationships even with a total stranger. In today’s commercial world this article is like fresh, unadulterated and crisp winds from Himalayas. What I get to read what people want in a partner… Continue reading Soulful Relationships
Girl child cheaper than a shirt!
I have seen footage on India TV, where a mother, called Rani, actually sold her one year old daughter, Sahiba. This is not for the first time that I have heard about parents selling their children. But reading and hearing about it and ACTUALLY watching the act is quite different. Here what I have seen…… Continue reading Girl child cheaper than a shirt!
Compulsive eating or Tea/Coffee Drinking?
What separates compulsive eaters from tea/coffee drinkers? Eating favorite food caresses the senses and provides a false sense of well being. It seems as if all your problems have disappeared and there is nothing to worry. Or are compulsive eaters problem avoiders too? Do they eat their preferred food to avoid problems? Are they unable… Continue reading Compulsive eating or Tea/Coffee Drinking?
Buying Habits
Why we buy stuffs which we don’t need or the stuffs which will not provide a good service? Is it our disposable income doing the trick? Is this extra income compels us to accumulate junk? Is it our hectic life? Is our tight schedule makes such gadgets quite attractive to us? It Cook, Strain and… Continue reading Buying Habits
News Reading
I was reading Steve Pavlina’s post “Overcoming News Addiction.â€? He was off news for 30 days and explored the negative side of news watching. But the only problem is, he concentrated on negative aspects only and swayed to the extreme, from news addiction to news fasting. I agree that news is often lopsided and presented… Continue reading News Reading
Staying Slim
I was reading Seth Godin’s latest post. It reminded me of the ban imposed on the super skinny models in Madrid. ================== A few days ago in Madrid, it was announced that only healthy-looking mannequins would be permitted to strut their stuff at the city’s annual style event. Anyone with a body mass index of… Continue reading Staying Slim
September 11
When I had seen this image in my newspaper, I was deeply distrubed. Even till this date, whenever I remember the incident, everything just stop within me. ================= Newspapers showing Expectant faces, Fearful faces, Peeping out of windows. As if asking, Office hours had JUST begun But how could life be over? Suddenly, definitely, precisely… Continue reading September 11
Why We Maintain Status Quo
I was reading Seth’s post. He is discussing why organizations shun the creative ideas. I think we all do that, be it our personal lives or professional. The root cause is FEAR. We don’t want to tread the unknown path. We don’t know what trenches, valleys and peaks we will encounter, if the terrain is… Continue reading Why We Maintain Status Quo
Shopping Addiction
Shopping can be a necessary evil (as in my case) for some and it can be fun for some. But who are addicted to shopping it’s neither. I remember one of my classmates. She is always looking for an excuse to shop. Although she got a good amount of pocket money from her parents, but… Continue reading Shopping Addiction
Can we say OK Tata Bye Bye to the whole interview process, as suggested by Seth Godin? I don’t find any fault with the idea but with the applicability of it. It seems good that before hiring a candidate, he/she should be evaluated by performing the actual job. This gives you a clear idea whether to… Continue reading Interview
Love Story
When I read their love story, I was frankly amazed. The heroine was not sweet sixteen but 39 year-old reclusive. She was semi-invalid too due to a childhood accident and had symptoms of tuberculosis. Her hero was six years her junior, handsome and healthy. What brought this couple together? Their love for poetry. The hero… Continue reading Love Story
Creating a Marvelous Ad
How can you spread a social message while creating an ad for a soap? Incorporating a social message in an ad is quite tricky and demands a really creative mind. It’s very easy to show soap makes your skin glow or soft or in Indian context fairer. But a socially relevant message through a soap?… Continue reading Creating a Marvelous Ad
Keeping ahead of your competitors
I often hear people saying, this guy or gal is smart. By smart they mean, he/she gets his/her ways by hook or by crook. And the person, who is hard working, believes in certain values, follows certain principles is called a bore, uninspiring, dull guy. Is it really true? Cannot one really be noticed unless he/she… Continue reading Keeping ahead of your competitors
Freedom Fighters
First I got the link at Madhukar’s blog. When I read about her, I was simply numb, sitting there staring at my monitor. This is the way; Indian National Congress treats their members. And if not for www.rediff.com, we could have hardly known her. She has lost everything, family, money except her self esteem in… Continue reading Freedom Fighters
Viral effect of email promotion
Check out this sign posted at Starbucks today. It reads: “An email offering a free Starbucks iced coffee beverage was distributed by Starbucks partners (employees) with instructions to forward it to their group of friends and family. Unfortunately, it has been redistributed beyond the original intent and modified beyond Starbucks control. Regretfully this email offer… Continue reading Viral effect of email promotion
How to create an effective ad copy?
You can’t escape advertisements in modern world. They are all pervasive. Watching TV, reading a magazine, waiting for bus at a bus stop or if you are in contemplative mood and just looking out of your window or balcony, you can’t ignore ad world. What it takes to make a successful ad copy? How much… Continue reading How to create an effective ad copy?
How course material should be prepared for children
We can take the cue from the NCERT, how not to prepare the course material. I have seen geography books of NCERT. In the sixth and seventh standard they teach children about Europe, America, Australia, the Middle East, the Far East and Africa. In the eighth standard they have included India. I don’t know who prepared… Continue reading How course material should be prepared for children
Ethical Issues in Marketing
Seth Godin’s post discusses about Marketing Morality . It looks like fresh air from Alps. I remember the recent Pepsi and Cola controversy brewing in Indian Parliament. The minute it was reported that soft drinks contain dangerous levels of pesticides all kinds of cold drinks were withdrawn from the parliament. The Ministry of Health and… Continue reading Ethical Issues in Marketing